Friday, August 27, 2021

The Political optics in the Stan

 As many are aware the situation in Afghanistan is getting worse by the minute. As of Yesterday, 26 August 2021,  13 Marines paid the price of our grave mistake. Still, many Americans and allies are stranded inside the country. Meanwhile Us Puppet in Cheif Biden still sits around pointing fingers at Trump and saying it was his fault. Joe needs to go to a retirement home and not the white house. However, that will not save our people on the ground in Afghanistan. What will change the course of action is to email and harass your elected officials in DC to get a Noncombatant Evacuation operation underway. We already have boots on the ground willing and at the ready to answer the call in the form of the 82nd Airborne. I am well aware that they are up to the task.

Our allies on the ground have activated their elite special forces to get their people out. It is time we do the same. Although the political optics are not great, we need not to think of ourselves and those lives that are at stake. 

I ask that you pray and ask God to save our people and those in Afghanistan. Also use the hashtag #NEONOW to apply pressure to get our government working for our stranded men and women. God bless you and may God bless America.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Dear POTUS...

 Dear  Joe Biden,

Your withdrawal from Afghanistan was abrupt and not a wise decision. Clearly, knowing the general way of life that they have in Afghanistan could have helped better and a better exit strategy would have worked in your favor. The way you did so was like pulling a plug from a wall to a device that is important. Is getting out of Afghanistan a way to look good? In short, yes. However, moving quickly on this was a flaw tactically. We also managed to let a tarranical regime, the Taliban to regain control of power. To me, this is a slap in the face to all those who fought, bled and died while fighting there. Overall, your failing as a leader. Congratulations. I will pray for you that you and your party find the Lord and place your trust in him.

God bless, 

The American digest 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Seperation of church and state

 When Thomas Jefferson wrote about the separation of church and state, I am certain that he did not by any means know it would be misused today. Today, God has been taken out of schools, the pledge of allegiance and in some states removed from exemptions. 

In states like Maine and Connecticut, it is now a clear attack on the first amendment that people no longer can say no to being vaccinated for religious reasons. Massachusetts currently has a similar bill in its congress. We as Americans should not stand around and allow for this tyrannical government control our thoughts and feelings.  We need to call our appointed officials and say enough is enough. 

Furthermore, big pharma is okay using murdered children in vaccines like the covid-19 vaccine that the world is trying to force on us. As a Christian, and conservative, this goes against my core beliefs. I feel as if nobody should be harassed or forced with a choice of losing their job, getting stabbed or getting jabbed in the arm. 

  In recent weeks, there have been protests in countries like France over the use of vaccination passports in order to try to gain control of the Delta variant, so their government claims. However, it seems this is not anything more than for people to take the jab and the shot. The thing is, we are not in France. We are here in the United States of America. We have rights, liberties and the ability to pursue happiness. Out rights shall not be infringed. Yet, those in office have seemed to be absent during constitutional law class or skipped out on American history. This country was founded on God and guns because we freed ourselves from the oppression of a king. 

  Today, I fear we are heading that way with the cancel culture, trying to kill God, our history, and the American way of life. We are also experiencing the "woke" generation as well. It is sad to see the start of segregation once again in this country some years later. The left has replaced love with fear and hatred. 

God bless you and God bless America 🇺🇸 

- Quintus Pilitus 

Dear Tim Wise

Dear Tim J Wise,

Clearly you have been greased by the progressive agenda and have not opened your eyes to see that America is a land of the free. This country of ours is not Venezuela or another socialistic country yet. You, like many others are a part of the cancer that is the real plague in this great land. People are indeed dying, but the death cult is not conservatives. It is indeed those who support mass murder of unborn children and those who willingly give birth only to murder their child. I pray that you are some day enlightened and are no longer a cog in the machine. 

Good day and God bless you and America.

The Political optics in the Stan

 As many are aware the situation in Afghanistan is getting worse by the minute. As of Yesterday, 26 August 2021,  13 Marines paid the price ...